Fivem Air Ambulances Helicopter


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Air ambulances have become an essential component of emergency roleplay in FiveM, offering players a realistic and engaging way to simulate medical emergencies. Their ability to quickly respond to critical situations, combined with the customization options and advanced flying techniques, makes them a valuable asset on any server.

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FiveM is a popular multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), allowing players to join custom servers with a variety of themes, from police work to emergency medical services (EMS). In these servers, realism is key, particularly when simulating emergency scenarios. Air ambulances, a crucial component of modern emergency medical systems, play a significant role in FiveM as well, providing players with the tools needed to replicate real-world medical operations. These helicopters are essential in situations where speed is critical, and they offer a unique dimension to the medical roleplay experience.


  • Helicopter modele name : ms_heli
  • Realistic Modeling Full
  • Open Source ( No-ip lock)
  • optimize Helicopter
  • Classic Design
  • High-Definition Textures
  • HDR Textures
  • HD Textures

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Here are some of the benefits of using:
  • The inclusion of air ambulances in FiveM offers several benefits to players and servers alike. For one, they enhance the realism of medical roleplay by allowing players to simulate complex emergency scenarios that require rapid response and advanced medical care. Additionally, air ambulances provide speed and efficiency in emergency situations, enabling players to reach patients in remote or difficult-to-access locations. This capability is particularly valuable in large maps or servers with varied terrain, where ground ambulances may not be sufficient.

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Code is Open Source

Yes, Fully open Source


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Lua , html , Css and js librarys




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