Welcome to Our fivem bike rental
This premium resource is a great addition to any roleplay server, adding a realistic bike hire experience to the map with several docking stations that are fully synced between fivem bike rental players. These allow a player to walk up to the machine and hire a bike, they can also take the hired bike back to any docking station to return it. This is incredibly useful for allowing your players to quickly get from one garage to another, by hiring a bike along the way. The resource has lots of pre-configured docking locations however you can always add more in the configuration file. The resource is highly configurable, not only allowing you to add more but you can also integrate this into your own framework such as vRP and ESX. You can fully edit the server file and charge the player to hire bike, or if they have insufficient funds you can stop them from hiring one. You can translate this resource to another language. You could even restrict this resource to certain players, such as making this a donator only perk! This resource can easily be retextured to another country as the bike share schemes vary by region, the default models included are for London, UK and the Santander Bike Hire scheme. Usage You can hire a bike by walking up to any of the machines at a bike docking station. Once you are at the machine, a prompt will ask you to press ENTER (this key is configurable in the config) to hire a bike. If you integrate this into your framework, you can make it check whether the player has sufficient funds. If there is a bike available, the dock will light up green with a marker and the bike will unlock, allowing the player to move it. They’ll be notified in-game that this is now unlocked for them. This syncs with all other players and means that they’ll no longer be able to hire a bike from that dock.
The amount of bikes at each dock varies, some docks around the map only have 3 stations whereas others have 5. Full Features fivem bike rental Hire a bike – If there is a bike available, you can easily hire it by walking up to the machine. Return a bike anywhere – After hiring a bike from one dock, you can return it anywhere! Cooldown – In the config, you can enable a cooldown – this is in minutes and requires the player to wait before hiring another bike. Blips – Blips on the map will show the players how many bikes available at each docking station in real time (configurable). Automatic Reset – On busy public servers, players may not be inclined to return the bike they hired. This can be enabled in the config and after a configurable amount of time, a hired bike will automatically be “reset” at the dock, allowing another player to hire it. This can be toggled on/off simply in the config. Enhanced Realism – These are appearing all over the world and it is a great idea to bring it to your FiveM server. This will enhance realism for your players and also set you apart from other servers with unique resources such as this, bringing more enjoyment and fun to the game. Framework Integration – You can easily integrate this into a resource such as vRP or ESX. Highly Configurable – The resource is highly configurable, see the config section on what you can configure. You can even translate the resource to another language Fully Synced – Our resource works on both OneSync, OneSync Infinity and Non-OneSync. Custom Models – Our 3D Modelling team converted these models for this resource. Permission Checks – You can easily add permission checks by editing the server sided file or add checks based on bank balance, requiring people to pay to hire a bike.
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Here are some of the benefits of using :
- Encourages exploration: Bikes are a great way for players to explore the city at their own pace and discover new areas.
- Reduces traffic congestion: Fewer cars on the road means less traffic and a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
- Promotes roleplay: Bike rentals can be fun to add to roleplay scenarios, such as delivering pizzas or racing friends.
- Easy to use: Most bike rental scripts are easy to install and use, even for server owners with limited experience.
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